Friday, December 19, 2008


3 biji telur
1 cawan minyak sayur/sunflower oil
1/2 cawan susu segar
2 cawan tepung gandum
2 cawan gula
3/4 cawan koko
11/2(satu setengah)susu kecil sodium bikarnonat
11/2(satu setengah) baking powder
1 cawan air panas

1. Pukul telur, minyak sayur dan susu segar sampai sebati
2. Masukkan gula dan koko
3. Masukkan tepung gandum yang telah dicampur dgn baking powder dan bikarbonat soda
4. Akhir sekali masukkan air panas yang mendidih
5. Bakar pada suhu 180 - 200 darjah selam 50 min - 1 jam

Note :
This is the most simple cake recipe that I have tried and it turns out very well and tasty. The above is the original recipe but I have substitute the plain flour with self raising flour because I do not have baking powder and bikarbonat soda and I also use brown sugar instead of granulated or caster sugar.The recipe also does not required you to beat the egg and sugar until fluffy and you don't have to use electrical mixer to mix the ingredients. I just used my wooden spoon to mix everything.

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